A Big Thank You to Our Nurses

South Seas Healthcare appreciates you all and wishes you a Happy International Nurses Day!

South Seas Healthcare appreciates you all and wishes you a Happy International Nurses Day!

International Nurses Day was celebrated worldwide on Tuesday 12 May. This is the day to acknowledge all nurses and reflect on the excellent care that they provide. This is also a prime opportunity for South Seas Healthcare to honour their nursing staff for their significant contribution to our Pacific families and to South Auckland communities.

South Seas Director of Nursing Tepora Peseta joined South Seas Healthcare 20 years ago in its early days of establishment. Looking back she says she’s always been grateful for her training as a nurse and working in South Seas has enabled her to serve the Pacific community.

“I’ve gained a great deal of satisfaction in my career as a nurse by helping our Pacific families. Nursing has always been my interest and I have been a nurse for almost 5 decades now . It allows me to work in an environment with the aim of providing good quality of life for our people and provide support and care.”

A former practise nurse and charge nurse like Tepora works with GPs in our clinic to provide a range of services from delivering flu vaccinations to wound care, health education/health promotion, screening and assessing patients. They engage in face-to-face consultations with patients and promote a family centred approach by working in partnership with patients/families on improving their health.

“Nursing can be fun but it can be challenging too. I enjoy being part of our team in South Seas and making a difference in people’s lives. I love what I do. We have a team of nurses with diverse skills, experience and knowledge who always look out for each other. We’re all passionate about our duty as nurses, to care and offer support to our families who walk through the clinic door every day.”

Nursing is a career that is self-rewarding and forever changing and evolving. No two days are the same for our nurses and they never stop learning and caring. As one nursing leader from the past reminisces, “Once a nurse, always a nurse”.

Working on the Covid-19 frontline has presented many challenges for the nurses, such as time isolating from their own families to reduce contagion risk. Their contribution does not go unnoticed.

We ask our South Auckland community to join us in celebrating our nurses for the work they do and the difference they make. Thank you for your commitment and dedication to supporting the health and wellbeing of our Pacific community and people of South Auckland.

South Seas Healthcare sincerely thanks all our nurses past and present for the professional and compassionate care they provide in the clinic and across the South Auckland community in these challenging times. We appreciate you and Happy International Nurses Day!

Here’s a video that shares heartfelt messages from our community to our nurses.

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